Monday, June 2, 2008

Asterisk - Open Source IP PBX

Asterisk - What do you mean by this word? Commonly asterisk mean the star symbol used for printing. But here we are not bothered about that but we are going to see the very strong Open Source Application. Since it is in Open Source Application it is developed in Linux platform. It is licensed under the GPL. Now the real good news is that this strong application is available for free download. You can download and use application in any of the following list

1) Asterisk as a Switch
2) Asterisk as Gateway
3) Asterisk as feature/Media Server
4) Asterisk in the Call Center as Voice application
5) Asterisk in the Network
6) Asterisk as ACD
7) Asterisk as Recorder Server
8) Asterisk integration with MySQL Database
9) Asterisk-Java application integrated with Asterisk

Hey dont think exaggrated by seeing all the above features/capabilities, these are the facts and the best thing is all the features has no properiotary issue unlike other telecom tools/applications/hardware. This leads us to huge cost saving for the Telecom infrastructure.

I have done huge cost saving with respect to Asterisk-Trixbox installation. This cost saving is not for all the above features but i have rolled out the Corporate PBX and Conference Bridge on Asterisk-trixbox. Guess how much would be the cost saving for each site, It was actually 30 Lakhs.

Now are you interested in getting this savings for your concern. Then keep watching this space in the blog. I will take you through the each and every steps of installation till implementation in a phased manner. After reading all my blogs you will become the asterisk implementor in your concern.